Susol Open Type Circuit Breakers meet the demands of high breaking capacity, full line and optimized panel size. Various accessories and connection methods offer a user-friendly operation. It provides a complete solution for absolute protective coordination and electrical power monitoring system with an advanced trip relay for measurement, diagnosis, analysis, communication and protective functions.


  • High breaking current 150kA / 6300A at AC500V
  • 3 different cases from 630 Amps to 6300 Amps
  • Service breaking capacity for the whole series, equal to the maximum breaking capacity (Ics=100%Icu)
  • Compact and simplified size
  • High function trip relay (4 TYPE)
  • Protection: L, S, I, G, ZSI, Thermal UVR, OVR, etc.
  • Fireproof BMC cover
  • Multifunctional power meter
  • High electrical and mechanical life
  • Compatibility with SCADA system thanks to communication modules
  • Power quality 63rd harmonics (THD): S type
  • Last fault record: S type miscellaneous accessories (Total 48EA)
  • On, off button lock, key lock, pad lock, security slider lock
  • Mechanical locking, packing lock, door lock

Specification General

  • AF:2000AF, 4000AF, 6300AF- 3 frames
  • Amp range: 630A – 6300A


  • Mechanical deadlock
  • Door lock
  • All electrical protection applications
  • Clipboard applications
  • Industrial applications
  • Commercial buildings and residences
  • Renewable energy facilities